Sunday, February 12, 2012

OMG do you have the new iphone?

TOPIC: Technology, oh don't we all love it?!

The title says it all. Isn't that a phrase you hear often when new technology comes out, especially Apple products.

Source: The unfortunate experience of breaking the front screen of my iphoneConversations with friends regarding whether to fix it or purchase a new and better iphone. 

Relation: I think iphones and technology in general can be viewed as material culture or an artifact, especially in American culture. Going more into depth, the using of such devices (such as an iphone) can be viewed as a commonly practiced cultural behavior. From my experiences, anyone older that 18 who does not have a cell phone is looked at funny because it is almost expected for everyone to have a cell phone in our society. 

Description: As I was walking to the bus stop one beautiful morning, I dropped my iphone 3GS on the sidewalk cement and the front screen broke. My phone was still functional so I didn't pay much mind to it, as long as I could still see my screen, talk on the phone, text, and listen to music, I was a-ok! I got to school and met up with a few friends and showed them what had happen. Many of them had a very strong reaction to it, as if it were their own cell phone saying, "Oh no!! I know someone who can fix it for you!" or "You can order those parts online to fix it!". Most of my friends asked if I was going to get a new one. I really hadn't though about it. Many recommended I just get the newest iphone, the 4S. I later found out that I was available for an upgrade in March so I figured I would wait it out with a cracked screen until then.
Commentary/Analysis: I started thinking about how easily a phone can be repaired and replaced with a new one. I also began to think about why there is such a high demand for these products and came to the conclusion that they simply make our lives easier. We can store phone numbers and addresses, easily call someone or text, and can even keep track of what our friends and family are up to by a simple touch of a button. Apple products must be the most popular technology around the world, by far, because the name itself has meaning. The name and symbol stand for innovation and the newest, coolest technology out there. Americans especially are smitten by Apple products, since this culture is always striving to have the newest and the best technology. Having the newest phone is a must in the country and many countries around the world. People wait in huge lines to get the latest game console or phone so it must symbolize what we value as a culture, right?


  1. It is astonishing how much people rely on technology nowadays, especially cell phones and smart phones in particular. I lived without a cell phone for 6 months, and it felt great! I had access to a telephone line in a house, but other than that, it felt like freedom to no have to be contactable at any given moment in time. What did people do before cell phone? I constantly see people still talking and texting while driving, riding bikes, walking to class eating food, anything is now done witha cell phone. People are son "in touch" with other people nowadays, but they do not see what is right in front of them (often literally when you watch someone trying to text and walk at the same time = watch out for that pole!) It is ridiculous how connected and disconnected people are nowadays because of technology. People can talk face to face with people across the world, but with technology, people do not have any need to even know their neighbors, there is only one sense of community now... social websites...

  2. I really enjoyed how you addressed the topic of the demand for technology. I have a very basic Verizon phone and getting text messaging was such a huge step for me! Now it seems like all they are going to produce are the fancy smart phones but in my opinion it takes away so much from the personal encounters with people. Both of my sisters have upgraded to smart phones but I feel as if I get one then I will be so removed from the everyday experiences. Your idea of how Apple is the most well known company I also agree with. For my graduation present my parents said they would buy me a computer. I instantly wanted a Mac and I tried to hard to get one just because they were so popular. My mother came home with an HP and honestly it is a great computer. Society has put such an emphasis of what is cool and what should be bought that sometimes the brand name gets in the way of the actual value of the product. This world really is very materialistic and it saddens me greatly.

  3. I agree with you that it is too easy to crack a screen on any ipod product! I am starting to suspect that companies might make some of their phones with cheaper quality materials so that you never know if you will get an actual high quality product, or one that has glitches or breaks easily. On top of that, the demand for such technology is so high that people will accidentally crack their screens or fry their batteries and still get them repaired multiple times, or in your case, buy a newer model. People, including myself sometimes, do not see how much money is spent on materialistic items that will soon be out of style anyways. Especially when it comes to technology, companies are constantly finding newer ways to catch our eyes. Faster and easier wireless connection, larger memory space, larger screens, thinner models..will it ever end?

  4. I totally understand where you are coming from when you say that these devices make your life so much easier. I really don't know what I would do without my cell phone especially when pay phones are almost extinct now. LOLZ. I also feel that Apple is such a good company because they have made everything so simple and a monkey could figure out how to use there products. I wish I had an iPhone.
