Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Self


SOURCE: MY (LIFE) and personal definition of myself.

RELATION: Our Robbins text says that identity is constructed by culture and many other aspects such as our social identities, individualistic, holistic, egocentric, and sociocentric views of self as well as positive and negative identity associations as compared to desirable and undesirable views of our qualities. 

DESCRIPTION: As I was reading this chapter I found myself wondering how I define myself and if I find certain attributes in myself to be positive or negative. As graduation is nearing very quickly, I have to say, I find that my student identity is one of the main identities I define myself with. Many of my friends and fellow classmates will not be continuing their studies and will no longer define themselves as a student but as a professional or whatever it is they are going to do. Since I will be continuing my studies and will be attending graduate school, I will still define myself as a student, and since being up in Humboldt for my studies, I realized that this is the main identity I have associated with since being away from my family and other work roles. When people ask about me and my life, I usually say I am a student and I am originally from southern California. I view my role as a student as a positive identity and that is probably why that is the first thing I usually mention.

COMMENTARY/ANALYSIS: I found this view of myself very interesting in that the view self is a very dynamic and evolving thing. Once someone becomes a professional, mother, father, etc, the view of self and the definition of self changes. 

I just also wanted to mention congrats to anyone else who is graduating this May!! I wish you the best of luck in you ventures into the world! :)


  1. Your role as a student in society definitely is a positive and interesting way to identify yourself. I know because I am a student I also think of myself as having a certain role. Being a student means I have different obligations in life; My main concern is cultivating my own personal intelligence. In contrast, if I were to have started working out of high school my identity as a professional would mean that my identity is tied to how well and how hard I work for others, to serve society rather than my own self. Of course, later in life I will become part of the working world, but for now my main goal is to become the most intelligent and capable person I can be for later.

  2. I like how you describe yourself as "evolving" because it is too true! We as human are constantly evolving and creating changes in ourselves on all types of scale size.

  3. I would agree with your statement about the fact that you are not involved with your family living up in here in Humboldt as much you classify yourself more with the student definition. Obviously while you are at Humboldt State most people would aim to associate with the student identity. It is a very positive characteristic to point out to others and I totally do the same thing with making a point to say I am studying at Humboldt State. Also, congrats on graduating and good look with graduate school!
